Pastor Shannon D. McNeil is a dynamic forward thinker who is determined to become a driving force within the body of Christ. His unique participatory teaching style has quickly made him a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and churches throughout the tri-state area.


A native Delawarean, Pastor Shannon McNeil was raised in the inner city of Wilmington, Delaware, where he was introduced to ruinous recreation at the tender age of 13, which ultimately landed him in his first drug rehabilitation center at age 17. While in rehab for the second time, he soon realized that he needed more than what a 12-step program could offer him, he needed deliverance!

In 1993, he gave his life to Christ forever turning away from drugs and alcohol. With his newfound lifestyle, came solace in the sanctuary and a strong desire to live according to Gods will for his life. Under the leadership of Pastor Edward Cross, Pastor Shannon began receiving early Christian education and training from New Community Baptist Church. As he grew in his faith, he was asked to become the associate minister of outreach.

In the summer of 1997, Pastor Shannon pioneered his own street evangelism team called the “Hit Squad”. The team traveled throughout the inner-city distributing bibles, book bags, and sneakers to disadvantaged youth.

In 1998 he went on to become the assistant to the Pastor of All God’s Children Homeless Ministry, where he taught bible study, fed the homeless, and operated under an evangelical anointing. In his spare time, he facilitated the Salvation Army’s 12-step program from a biblical perspective. After just a year with the homeless ministry the Lord began leading Pastor Shannon to a local assembly; Shiloh Baptist Church in Chester, PA, that he ultimately joined under the leadership of Pastor E. Irving Millsap. It was in that local body, that he was mentored and spiritually guided for an extended period. Until he was ordained and released with full support of his pastor to start a church in Wilmington, DE.

In the fall of 2000, Pastor Shannon opened the doors of Kingdom Harvest Church, where he was afforded the opportunity to be senior Pastor for 10 years. After 10 years in Delaware the Lord directed him to further his pastoral studies in North Carolina, it was there he learned how to live by faith and come back to the true message, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After 12 months of pruning, stretching, and growing in the Carolinas, the Lord etched in Pastor Shannon’s heart; Victorious Life Church, where he now very proudly Pastors in the Delaware Valley under an apostolic mandate. 

Pastor Shannon currently holds an associate degree in Theology, and a B.A. in Religious Education from Andersonville Seminary. He is presently pursuing a master’s degree in Divinity and intends on studying his way out of every situation that presents itself.

Pastor Shannon has dedicated his entire life to promoting a victorious lifestyle through servitude and faith in Christ. He is the husband of one wife Lady Shawnika McNeil, a father of three (Asya, Emanyule, and Shecinah), a giver, a provider, humanitarian, philanthropist, friend, leader, a son, and most importantly chosen for this dispensation. He offers the young adult community in particular, Christ from a fresh perspective with his transparency, his relatable teaching methods, and his ability to meet the youth and young adults exactly where they are. He with the help of the Lord draws the people with one major factor, LOVE. Pastor Shannon’s ability to Love people back to life is what has drawn, maintained, and continues to ignite the thriving climate of Victorious Life Church today, and many days to come.


First Lady nikki McNEIL

Shawnika McNeil who is mostly known as Nikki was born and raised in New Castle, DE.  She graduated from Delcastle Vocational High School with a certificate in Business. She has had a long career in real estate being a realtor for over ten years with Prudential Fox and Roach Realtors. She is currently a Property Manager in New Castle. Nikki has an entrepreneurial spirit and had a women’s clothing store, The Kloset Boutique in Milford for two years. Nikki also had started a business selling women’s shoes as The Traveling Shoe Closet. For five years their customers were made at women’s conferences, girls’ night in and fashion shows.  She said she started the business to show her daughter, you can do anything you set your mind to do.   

Nikki gave her life to the Lord in 1994 and married to her best friend and high school sweetheart Shannon McNeil on May 7th; this year they will celebrate 25 years of Holy Matrimony. Out of this union they have 3 beautiful children Asya Irean, Emanyule David and Shecinah Glory McNeil.  Nikki who is affectionately called First Lady, Lady McNeil or First, serves alongside her husband for the last seventeen years Pastor Shannon McNeil. They Pastor one of the greatest churches on the east coast, Victorious Life Church .  Lady Nikki has a love for business and ministry. She said she loves people and loves helping and empowering them. Lady Nikki has begun several discipleship groups, the most recent being  “Dream Gurls” where the teachings are to encourage and empower women to walk in their purpose and live out their dreams. She is loved by many with her mama hugs and loving smile. “Proverbs 31:27-29 nlt she carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her. There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!”